New Beginnings

So, once again, it is a new year and a time for new beginnings. 2012 promises to be a good year in so many ways, but in others a true shock to the system. We'll be losing six wonderful NETers, three amazing youth ministers and an incredible parish priest before the year is half up. I think all of us who remain will have a strange year ahead of us.

But at the same time 2012 does promise to be a fantastic year, even if only for one reason, which makes every year, every day and every second incredible:

Jesus Christ

Every New Year we focus on new beginnings, on resolutions and on how we're going to make the most of the coming year. The ultimate resolution in Christ our Lord. He is our straight path to salvation, our strength to carry on, our forgiveness of sin and our promise of eternal life. Every new beginning, each clean slate and each opportunity for a second chance flow from the cross. Through his sacrifice, Jesus has given us a renewed chance of eternal life. He loves us, helps us, guides us and forgives us. What more could one want in a Saviour?

So this New Year my resolution is simple. My new beginning is Christ. I will strive to devote to Him all that he deserves, and focus my eyes, my mind and my heart on that amazing second chance He gives me. For that, and that alone, is the reason I'm alive, and I give thanks for the coming year that it may be a way to glorify God.



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