18.3.13 Daybook


Hope you're having a lovely Monday!!! Someone has been obsessively checking this blog, according to the 'stats' section of my leetle-bloggy-dashboard (okay, that came out creepier than I intended. Ooh, try reading it in the voice of Dr. Doofenschmirtz (Remember him? oh, the good old days of Disney channel) or that guy.. from that movie... (which movie?) where it's like 'say hello to my leetle friend'... um... gosh, Kate, you should really reference these things before making comments about it on your blog.). Um, what was I saying? Oh, right! If you live in New Zealand, own a Mac and browse on Safari, I know you're reading me!!! Which is really quite exciting! As long as you're somebody I know. Creepy if you're not. I think it can only be Victoria, Danielle or Niamh, because you're the only Kiwis that know this blog exists. I hope. Aaaahhhhh!!! Maybe I'll stop talking now. Let's crack on with the blog post (haha Miranda! such fun!)

Update: Victoria Ning, you stalker!!! :-P

Outside my window.....

It finally rained!!! And I made a (very childish) joke that it hadn't rained since our reigning Pope stopped reigning, but as soon as we had a new reigning Pope, it rained again!!
But the grass needs it.

It was really muggy today. Just added to the bloomingdales headache I've had for days. I think it's quite possibly a virus, because I've been nauseous and dizzy and overtired since Friday. 

I am hearing.......

Myself singing to myself!! I'm singing a song in French for vocal lessons (because I'm so sick of the English language. So consonanty. Is that a word? It is now. Mrs. deLautour wants to add 'purpi' to the dictionary as the plural of purpose. I've told her Latin doesn't work like that, but she says I'm just being a spoilsport. Maybe I am. I've been told I was born a 40-year old with a 5-year old's energy.)
ANYHOO! What was the point of that? RIGHT, French song. Anyway, my French really isn't great at the moment, so I've resorted to
It really doesn't sound that different when you sing it. So yes, I'm singing to myself.
I also read aloud to myself when no-one's around. Do you do that? With the voices and everything- best fun ever!

I am thankful for.....
  • Ooh, that's a good one. Um, I like my bed, and my shower, and our new Pope. OH RIGHT!!!!
  • OUR NEW POPE!!!! I LOVE HIM SO MUCH!!!!!! Someone told me yesterday (today? or was it Friday?) that I'm fangirling the Pope. That's probably true, even though I didn't know I could fangirl. IT"S SO EXCITING!!!!! LOVE YOU PAPA FRANCIS.

I am thinking about......

The show opens in less than three weeks. Less. Than. THREE. Weeks.


QUESTION: I'm one of those people that's really pedantic about less vs fewer (seriously, my stats teacher will probably murder me if I correct him again!), but I run into a wall when it comes to sentences like the one above. Should it be 'less' than three weeks, or 'fewer' than three weeks? I mean, it's 'three' therefore it is quantifiable, which would possible suggest that 'fewer' is more appropriate, but then again, it's a continuous spectrum, so maybe 'less' IS correct. Let me know!

Learning all the time.......

You know, some of our subject matter is really quite fascinating at the moment.

In History, we're doing the Elizabethan era (love), and Mr. Byrne told me my essay was at scholarship level (yay-yay-yay!! happy dance).

In Art History, we're doing the renaissance, which is always good fun.

And in R.E.- wowser, what a topic: The Meaning of Life!! Days spent debunking Dawkins and working myself into a panic attack every time I consider that possibility that life might not have a purpose except to pass on the human gene.

On my nightstand......
  • Theoretically, I'm reading Cranford by Elizabeth Gaskell, but since I'm only a page-and-a-half in, I'm not sure if it counts.
  • Er... my reading habits have slipped lately. In all truth, if I get into bed with a book, I usually fall asleep before I've opened the cover. Ah the life of a superstar
  • SPEAKING OF WHICH!! (this isn't a book, but whatever)- you know the Carpet Court on the corner of 11th and Cameron? There is a 10-foot high billboard of me there!! It scared me so much when we drove past on Sunday. Ah well, I guess I signed up for this when I auditioned. 

I am creating.......

A house plan!!! It's really adorable and tiny and lovely. I want it!!

I am praying.....

For my sisters everywhere. That's one of the amazing things about having great Catholic friends. I don't even feel like an only child anymore with sisters like these!

For Papa Francis!!! 

I am singing.......

See above.

One of my favourite things.....

Spectacular sunsets. I try to watch them every night, because every single one is different and beautiful. SIGH.

Plans for the rest of the week......

Lots of rehearsals. Full run on Thursday (ew, I have to kiss a boy) and then with sets and orchestra on Sunday. Plus every lunchtime from here till it opens, basically.

Oh, a Geography field trip to the beach. Hope it doesn't rain. Then again, I do love the rain. And winter clothes. Mmmmm, scarves and turtlenecks and my coat and tights and boots and jeans and hats. SOCKS!

A Quote.....

"Sometimes, the only way to stay sane is to be a little bit crazy"

Well, that was a chaotic scatterbrained post, wasn't it? Enjoy the rest of your Monday.

Remember, it's all for the greater glory of God!!

Update: That awkward moment when you realize yesterday was, in fact the 18th, not the 19th, and the heading of both your blogpost and all the day's school notes were incorrect.


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