Peaceful solitude

Truly I have set my soul in silence and peace. Psalm 130:2

We live in an age of noise and business. When we're not talking we're listening to music, watching TV, chatting to friends or some other form of interactivity or noise. We don't take time to have a moment of peace, time with just ourself and God, no distractions or noise or worries.

I'm conducting a bit of a human experiment at the moment. At least three times a day, for 5, 10 minutes, I'll sit. Preferably outside, on the grass in the sun. I'll just exist, distraction-free. There's a beautiful serenity to it, spending time in calm silence, enjoying a moment with God. We have such busy lives that we don't take time for solitude, for peace and for God. And it's really quite a bitter shame. Don't get me wrong- I love to be with people. I love to talk and laugh and enjoy friends' company. But solitude is a necessity. It's the only time when we can fully listen to God, and find truth, beauty and soul.

It's a time of quiet contemplation- meditation, if you will. I really enjoy it. It lets you cool off after an argument or clear your brain enough to study. It allows you to rest in God's presence and let the Holy Spirit guide you in your thoughts, words and actions.

I'm going to go continue this experiment right now, and go sit in the afternoon sun and say hi to God.

Youth group tonight!!! Very excited.....


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