What am I Seeking?
In my abundant time for praying today (if anyone's looking for ideas on how to squeeze in some quality time with God, flights without in-flight entertainment provide ample opportunity!!!,), I found Him challenging me on how I relate to others. I thought I'd share, because it might be as helpful to you as it was to me:
Do you seek to IMPRESS or to INVITE?
If you find yourself plagued by a constant feeling of unworthiness, jealousy or competition, stop for a moment.
Ask yourself: does this attitude seek unity?
Striving to impress will only ever divide. A gracious heart seeking unity, and only this heart, will let down its guard enough to invite others to taste and see that the Lord is good. Why must you always compete (even if the competition is only in your mind)?
The only goal worth striving for is salvation, and its prize is not like marks on a bell curve. The success of others growing in virtue does not diminish your own success. Rather it enhances it, for you all are one in My Love.
None of these things that you boast of (albeit often subconsciously) are yours, beloved. If you seek to share with others the fruits of your own merits, you and they will only ever taste the sour grapes of pride, flattery, resentment and jealousy. No - seek to share MY goodness with others, and then the harvest will be abundant for all.
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