Money makes the world go 'round.....

It's easy to make a buck.  It's a lot tougher to make a difference.  ~Tom Brokaw

Why are we so fixated on money? It seems that in our world money has become the mark of our success, what we strive to gain, and what we woe for want of.  Why? Why have we become so obsessed with material worth? It's a strange question and, in my mind, a rather disturbing one.

Alright, as a fore-note (Is that a word? Headnote?) before I get into this, I realise that money is not evil. It has many useful purposes to assist in our survival, yada-yada, etc. But for the purpose of this thought train, I shall henceforth ignore that knowledge.

The mark of our person here on Earth has somehow morphed into a shadow of what it should be. We are born into a world where everything encourages us to be materialistic: money-oriented. We are judged on everything material- our clothes, our house, our cars- and scorned for our poverties, as it were. I personally believe that there is an amazing beauty to poverty, and spiritual happiness can often be more easily achieved in poverty than in riches. Money encourages us to be selfish, prideful and jealous, to distance God from our lives and to live as we please. (I realise that there are some wealthy people who still live Godly lives, but I shall choose to disregard them for this purpose).

We are judged in life on money. No-one seems to recognise any more the value of non-material wealth, and it seems that all the beauty of poverty has been disregarded. But I want to be able to recognise in my life the amazing blessing than poverty will bring. I want to stop focusing on material possessions and instead focus on spiritual happiness. Because, in the long run, the latter will matter more.



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